Category Archives: Viewpoint on Mormonism

Christmas Book Citations God

We are focusing on citations that come from Christmas books given away by the First Presidency each Christmas from 1981-1989. These 37 classic books feature the first 16 LDS presidents as well as Apostle James E. Talmage. If the First Presidency thought they were valuable enough to give away, then the teachings from these books must be considered important. We think you will find these citations to be interesting.

During this series MRM is raising funds for its radio show/podcast. If you would like a PDF electronic copy of both:

  • Bill McKeever’s In their Own Words, a searchable file with close to 400 pages full of LDS quotations compiled to help the researcher of Mormonism; Bill and Eric regularly use this book in their shows
  • A copy of all the citations used during the first month of this series

Then give a generous gift, your choice, to MRM. Simply visit, click the Donate button on the right side, make a tax-deductible donation and in the comment please put “PDF.” If you listen to a radio station, please put the call letters of your station or your city/state. If you listen on podcast, put your city/state. This will help us immensely. We will email your copy of the PDF files within the next week. Thank you for your support.

Christmas Book Citations God Part 1

We are focusing on citations that come from Christmas books given away by the First Presidency each Christmas from 1981-1989. These 37 classic books feature the first 16 LDS presidents as well as Apostle James E. Talmage. If the First Presidency thought they were valuable enough to give away, then the teachings from these books must be considered important. We think you will find these citations to be interesting.

During this series MRM is raising funds for its radio show/podcast. If you would like a PDF electronic copy of both:

  • Bill McKeever’s In their Own Words, a searchable file with close to 400 pages full of LDS quotations compiled to help the researcher of Mormonism; Bill and Eric regularly use this book in their shows
  • A copy of all the citations used during the first month of this series

Then give a generous gift, your choice, to MRM. Simply visit, click the Donate button on the right side, make a tax-deductible donation and in the comment please put “PDF.” If you listen to a radio station, please put the call letters of your station or your city/state. If you listen on podcast, put your city/state. This will help us immensely. We will email your copy of the PDF files within the next week. Thank you for your support.

Christmas Books Citations Truth Part 2

We are focusing on citations that come from Christmas books given away by the First Presidency each Christmas from 1981-1989. These 37 classic books feature the first 16 LDS presidents as well as Apostle James E. Talmage. If the First Presidency thought they were valuable enough to give away, then the teachings from these books must be considered important. We think you will find these citations to be interesting.

During this series MRM is raising funds for its radio show/podcast. If you would like a PDF electronic copy of both:

  • Bill McKeever’s In their Own Words, a searchable file with close to 400 pages full of LDS quotations compiled to help the researcher of Mormonism; Bill and Eric regularly use this book in their shows
  • A copy of all the citations used during the first month of this series

Then give a generous gift, your choice, to MRM. Simply visit, click the Donate button on the right side, make a tax-deductible donation and in the comment please put “PDF.” If you listen to a radio station, please put the call letters of your station or your city/state. If you listen on podcast, put your city/state. This will help us immensely. We will email your copy of the PDF files within the next week. Thank you for your support.

Christmas books from the First Presidency Truth

We are focusing on citations that come from Christmas books given away by the First Presidency each Christmas from 1981-1989. These 37 classic books feature the first 16 LDS presidents as well as Apostle James E. Talmage. If the First Presidency thought they were valuable enough to give away, then the teachings from these books must be considered important. We think you will find these citations to be interesting.

During this series MRM is raising funds for its radio show/podcast. If you would like a PDF electronic copy of both:

  • Bill McKeever’s In their Own Words, a searchable file with close to 400 pages full of LDS quotations compiled to help the researcher of Mormonism; Bill and Eric regularly use this book in their shows
  • A copy of all the citations used during the first month of this series

Then give a generous gift, your choice, to MRM. Simply visit, click the Donate button on the right side, make a tax-deductible donation and in the comment please put “PDF.” If you listen to a radio station, please put the call letters of your station or your city/state. If you listen on podcast, put your city/state. This will help us immensely. We will email your copy of the PDF files within the next week. Thank you for your support.

Introduction to Christmas Book Citations Introduction

Today begins an exciting new series on citations that come from Christmas books given away by the First Presidency each Christmas from 1981-1989. These 37 classic books feature the first 16 LDS presidents as well as Apostle James E. Talmage. If the First Presidency thought they were valuable enough to give away, then the teachings from these books must be considered important. We think you will find these citations to be interesting.

During this series MRM is raising funds for its radio show/podcast. If you would like a PDF electronic copy of both:

  • Bill McKeever’s In their Own Words, close to 400 pages full of LDS quotations compiled to help the researcher of Mormonism; Bill and Eric regularly use this book in their shows
  • A copy of all the citations used during the first month of this series

Then give a generous gift, your choice, to MRM. Simply visit, click the Donate button on the right side, make a tax-deductible donation and in the comment please put “PDF.” If you listen to a radio station, please put the call letters of your station or your city/state. If you listen on podcast, put your city/state. This will help us immensely. We will email your copy of the PDF files within the next week. Thank you for your support.

Eight First Vision Truths Part 5

In the Spring 2020 conference happening next week, the leaders have promised that the theme will be the bicentennial of the “First Vision.” In this repeat series, Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson take a closer look at the February 2020 Ensign Magazine, considering the First Vision and if this is truly a historic event.

Eight First Vision Truths Part 4

In the Spring 2020 conference happening next week, the leaders have promised that the theme will be the bicentennial of the “First Vision.” In this repeat series, Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson take a closer look at the February 2020 Ensign Magazine, considering the First Vision and if this is truly a historic event.

Eight First Vision Truths Part 3

In the Spring 2020 conference happening next week, the leaders have promised that the theme will be the bicentennial of the “First Vision.” In this repeat series, Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson take a closer look at the February 2020 Ensign Magazine, considering the First Vision and if this is truly a historic event.

Eight First Vision Truths Part 2

In the Spring 2020 conference happening next week, the leaders have promised that the theme will be the bicentennial of the “First Vision.” In this repeat series, Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson take a closer look at the February 2020 Ensign Magazine, considering the First Vision and if this is truly a historic event.

Eight First Vision Truths Part 1

In the Spring 2020 conference happening next week, the leaders have promised that the theme will be the bicentennial of the “First Vision.” In this repeat series, Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson take a closer look at the February 2020 Ensign Magazine, considering the First Vision and if this is truly a historic event.

Saints: The Standard of Truth Part 30: Joseph Smith’s Death

In the last day of this 6-week series that took a look at the LDS Church history book Saints, Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson cover the death of Joseph Smith, which was anything but a martyrdom.

Saints: The Standard of Truth Part 28: Hyrum Smith Embraces Polygamy

In the final week (of 6) covering different parts of the LDS Church history book Saints, Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson take a look at Joseph Smith’s brother, Hyrum, as he at first rejects polygamy and then comes to the realization (in his mind) that God really would allow for a man to marry multiple women.

Saints: The Standard of Truth Part 27: The Partridge Sisters (Part 2)

In the final week (of 6) covering different parts of the LDS Church history book Saints, Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson continue where they left off yesterday as they take a closer look at the Partridge sisters, whom Joseph Smith married both, first behind his wife Emma’s back and later with her approval.

Saints: The Standard of Truth Part 26: The Partridge Sisters

In the final week (of 6) covering different parts of the LDS Church history book Saints, Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson begin the week taking a closer look at the Partridge sisters, whom Joseph Smith married both, first behind his wife Emma’s back and later with her approval.