Category Archives: Viewpoint on Mormonism

Cast Away the Dead Prophets? Part 5

Area Seventy Richard Neitzel Holzapfel recently gave a talk in Utah and explained to high school students how the church needs to drop the dead prophets and embrace the living apostles. Does this mean any living prophet trumps one who has died? Does this make any sense in the religion known as Mormonism? Bill and Eric take a closer look at this and explain why this church cannot merely cast away prophets with whom they disagree.

Cast Away the Dead Prophets Part 4

Area Seventy Richard Neitzel Holzapfel recently gave a talk in Utah and explained to high school students how the church needs to drop the dead prophets and embrace the living apostles. Does this mean any living prophet trumps one who has died? Does this make any sense in the religion known as Mormonism? Bill and Eric take a closer look at this and explain why this church cannot merely cast away prophets with whom they disagree.

Cast Away the Dead Prophets? Part 3

Area Seventy Richard Neitzel Holzapfel recently gave a talk in Utah and explained to high school students how the church needs to drop the dead prophets and embrace the living apostles. Does this mean any living prophet trumps one who has died? Does this make any sense in the religion known as Mormonism? Bill and Eric take a closer look at this and explain why this church cannot merely cast away prophets with whom they disagree.

Cast Away the Dead Prophets Part 2

Area Seventy Richard Neitzel Holzapfel recently gave a talk in Utah and explained to high school students how the church needs to drop the dead prophets and embrace the living apostles. Does this mean any living prophet trumps one who has died? Does this make any sense in the religion known as Mormonism? Bill and Eric take a closer look at this and explain why this church cannot merely cast away prophets with whom they disagree.

Cast away the dead prophets? Part 1

Area Seventy Richard Neitzel Holzapfel recently gave a talk in Utah and explained to high school students how the church needs to drop the dead prophets and embrace the living apostles. Does this mean any living prophet trumps one who has died? Does this make any sense in the religion known as Mormonism? Bill and Eric take a closer look at this and explain why this church cannot merely cast away prophets with whom they disagree.

Prophecy of War Part 4

An article by Seventy Matthew S. Holland in the August 2021 Liahona magazine (“Prophecy of War”) and how Joseph Smith correctly predicted the Civil War. Bill and Eric go through the article and critique some of the assertions made by Holland.

Prophecy of War Part 2

An article by Seventy Matthew S. Holland in the August 2021 Liahona magazine (“Prophecy of War”) and how Joseph Smith correctly predicted the Civil War. Bill and Eric go through the article and critique some of the assertions made by Holland.

Prophecy on War Part 1

An article by Seventy Matthew S. Holland in the August 2021 Liahona magazine (“Prophecy of War”) and how Joseph Smith correctly predicted the Civil War. Bill and Eric go through the article and critique some of the assertions made by Holland.

Prophecy of War Part 3

An article by Seventy Matthew S. Holland in the August 2021 Liahona magazine (“Prophecy of War”) and how Joseph Smith correctly predicted the Civil War. Bill and Eric go through the article and critique some of the assertions made by Holland.

Joseph Smith as Translator Part 5

This week Bill and Eric interview Sandra Tanner (Mormonism: Shadow or Reality) as we consider Joseph Smith’s track record as a translator, including:

  • The Book of Mormon
  • The Bible
  • The Book of Abraham
  • The Book of Moses
  • The Kinderhook Plates

Should Joseph Smith be trusted? Or were his translation abilities suspect? Tune in this week!

Joseph Smith as Translator Part 4

This week Bill and Eric interview Sandra Tanner (Mormonism: Shadow or Reality) as we consider Joseph Smith’s track record as a translator, including:

  • The Book of Mormon
  • The Bible
  • The Book of Abraham
  • The Book of Moses
  • The Kinderhook Plates

Should Joseph Smith be trusted? Or were his translation abilities suspect? Tune in this week!

Joseph Smith as Translator Part 3

This week Bill and Eric interview Sandra Tanner (Mormonism: Shadow or Reality) as we consider Joseph Smith’s track record as a translator, including:

  • The Book of Mormon
  • The Bible
  • The Book of Abraham
  • The Book of Moses
  • The Kinderhook Plates

Should Joseph Smith be trusted? Or were his translation abilities suspect? Tune in this week!

Joseph Smith as Translator Part 2

This week Bill and Eric interview Sandra Tanner (Mormonism: Shadow or Reality) as we consider Joseph Smith’s track record as a translator, including:

  • The Book of Mormon
  • The Bible
  • The Book of Abraham
  • The Book of Moses
  • The Kinderhook Plates

Should Joseph Smith be trusted? Or were his translation abilities suspect? Tune in this week!

Joseph Smith as Translator Part 1

This week Bill and Eric interview Sandra Tanner (Mormonism: Shadow or Reality) as we consider Joseph Smith’s track record as a translator, including:

  • The Book of Mormon
  • The Bible
  • The Book of Abraham
  • The Book of Moses
  • The Kinderhook Plates

Should Joseph Smith be trusted? Or were his translation abilities suspect? Tune in this week!