Category Archives: Viewpoint on Mormonism

Work for the Founding Fathers Part 2

Baptism for the dead has involved work done on behalf of spirits that supposedly knew what was going on and communicated with the living. What is that all about? Is communication with the dead something that ought to be encouraged? Bill and Eric discuss this topic in a 2-part series.

Work for the Founding Fathers Part 1

Baptism for the dead has involved work done on behalf of spirits that supposedly knew what was going on and communicated with the living. What is that all about? Is communication with the dead something that ought to be encouraged? Bill and Eric discuss this topic in a 2-part series.

Brad Wilcox: His Grace is Sufficient Part 8

Bill and Eric continue the series about a talk given by Brad Wilcox a few years ago titled “His grace is Sufficient.” This talk is often referenced by Latter-day Saints who want others to think that Mormonism’s view of grace is the same as what is taught in biblical Christianity.

Brad Wilcox: His Grace is Sufficient Part 7

Bill and Eric continue the series about a talk given by Brad Wilcox a few years ago titled “His grace is Sufficient.” This talk is often referenced by Latter-day Saints who want others to think that Mormonism’s view of grace is the same as what is taught in biblical Christianity.

Bill and Eric continue the series about a talk given by Brad Wilcox a few years ago titled “His grace is Sufficient.” This talk is often referenced by Latter-day Saints who want others to think that Mormonism’s view of grace is the same as what is taught in biblical Christianity. .

Brad Wilcox: His Grace is Sufficient Part 5

Brad Wilcox gives a talk titled “His Grace is Sufficient.” If you do evangelism in Utah, Wilcox and this talk are often referenced as to how the doctrine of grace in Mormonism is similar/same as what is taught in Evangelical Christianity. This is what Bill and Eric will discuss this week.

Brad Wilcox: His Grace is Sufficient Part 4

Brad Wilcox gives a talk titled “His Grace is Sufficient.” If you do evangelism in Utah, Wilcox and this talk are often referenced as to how the doctrine of grace in Mormonism is similar/same as what is taught in Evangelical Christianity. This is what Bill and Eric will discuss this week.

Brad Wilcox: His Grace is Sufficient Part 3

Brad Wilcox gives a talk titled “His Grace is Sufficient.” If you do evangelism in Utah, Wilcox and this talk are often referenced as to how the doctrine of grace in Mormonism is similar/same as what is taught in Evangelical Christianity. This is what Bill and Eric will discuss this week.

Brad Wilcox: His Grace is Sufficient Part 2

Brad Wilcox gives a talk titled “His Grace is Sufficient.” If you do evangelism in Utah, Wilcox and this talk are often referenced as to how the doctrine of grace in Mormonism is similar/same as what is taught in Evangelical Christianity. This is what Bill and Eric will discuss this week.

Brad Wilcox His Grace is Sufficient Part 1

Brad Wilcox gives a talk titled “His Grace is Sufficient.” If you do evangelism in Utah, Wilcox and this talk are often referenced as to how the doctrine of grace in Mormonism is similar/same as what is taught in Evangelical Christianity. This is what Bill and Eric will discuss this week.

When Tomorrow May Be Too Late Part 3

Some Latter-day Saints like to try to get out of tough situations by saying, “I guess we will all know in the end anyway.” But is this a wise philosophy. After all, what if the Mormon is wrong after all?

This week Bill and Eric discuss an article on MRM’s website that provides some ideas of how to deal with Latter-day Saints who would rather ignore the information that goes against their church rather than deal with difficult issues.

See the article used in this series by visiting

When Tomorrow May Be Too Late Part 2

Some Latter-day Saints like to try to get out of tough situations by saying, “I guess we will all know in the end anyway.” But is this a wise philosophy. After all, what if the Mormon is wrong after all?

This week Bill and Eric discuss an article on MRM’s website that provides some ideas of how to deal with Latter-day Saints who would rather ignore the information that goes against their church rather than deal with difficult issues.

See the article used in this series by visiting

When Tomorrow May Be Too Late Part 1

Some Latter-day Saints like to try to get out of tough situations by saying, “I guess we will all know in the end anyway.” But is this a wise philosophy. After all, what if the Mormon is wrong after all?

This week Bill and Eric discuss an article on MRM’s website that provides some ideas of how to deal with Latter-day Saints who would rather ignore the information that goes against their church rather than deal with difficult issues.

See the article used in this series by visiting

Sandra Tanner/Ron Huggins Lighthouse Book Part 7

Ron Huggins has written a biography of Jerald and Sandra Tanner titled Lighthouse, which will be released July 25, 2022. Bill and Eric finish out the series on Monday and Tuesday as they discuss the book with Ron and Sandra and give you some ideas of what this book will be about. The Tanners are the godparents of all of those who minister to Latter-day Saints, and this book is recommended.

For a review of the book, visit

Sandra Tanner/Ron Huggins Lighthouse Book Part 6

Ron Huggins has written a biography of Jerald and Sandra Tanner titled Lighthouse, which will be released July 25, 2022. Bill and Eric finish out the series on Monday and Tuesday as they discuss the book with Ron and Sandra and give you some ideas of what this book will be about. The Tanners are the godparents of all of those who minister to Latter-day Saints, and this book is recommended.

For a review of the book, visit

Sandra Tanner/Ron Huggins Lighthouse Book Part 5

Ron Huggins has written a biography of Jerald and Sandra Tanner titled Lighthouse, which will be released July 25, 2022. Bill and Eric interview the two together to discuss the book and give you some ideas of what this book will be about. The Tanners are the godparents of all of those who minister to Latter-day Saints, and this book is recommended.

For a review of the book, visit

Sandra Tanner/Ron Huggins Lighthouse Book Part 4

Ron Huggins has written a biography of Jerald and Sandra Tanner titled Lighthouse, which will be released July 25, 2022. Bill and Eric interview the two together to discuss the book and give you some ideas of what this book will be about. The Tanners are the godparents of all of those who minister to Latter-day Saints, and this book is recommended.

For a review of the book, visit

Sandra Tanner/Ron Huggins Lighthouse Book Part 3

Ron Huggins has written a biography of Jerald and Sandra Tanner titled Lighthouse, which will be released July 25, 2022. Bill and Eric interview the two together to discuss the book and give you some ideas of what this book will be about. The Tanners are the godparents of all of those who minister to Latter-day Saints, and this book is recommended.

For a review of the book, visit

Sandra Tanner/Ron Huggins Lighthouse Book Part 2

Ron Huggins has written a biography of Jerald and Sandra Tanner titled Lighthouse, which will be released July 25, 2022. Bill and Eric interview the two together to discuss the book and give you some ideas of what this book will be about. The Tanners are the godparents of all of those who minister to Latter-day Saints, and this book is recommended.

For a review of the book, visit

Sandra Tanner/Ron Huggins Lighthouse Book Part 1

Ron Huggins has written a biography of Jerald and Sandra Tanner titled Lighthouse, which will be released July 25, 2022. Bill and Eric interview the two together to discuss the book and give you some ideas of what this book will be about. The Tanners are the godparents of all of those who minister to Latter-day Saints, and this book is recommended.

For a review of the book, visit

Way to Eternal Life (Ojediran GC talk) Part 5

This week Bill and Eric take a closer look at an April 2022 General Conference talk titled “The Covenant Path: The Way to Eternal Life” by Seventy Adeyninka A. Ojediran. Like other general authorities who have spoken before him during this general conference, Ojerdiran emphasizes the importance of proving ourselves in mortality by following the “covenant path.”

For an article on this talk,