Category Archives: Viewpoint on Mormonism

Gold Plates comments revisited Part 1

A year ago God Loves Mormons produced a 25-minute video on “The Gold Plates: Is Joseph Smith’s Story Possible?” MRM’s Bill McKeever was interviewed as the gold plates evangelistic approach was discussed. Over the past year, the video has been watched 9k+ times while a number of Mormons have attached the video and the ideas presented by Bill. This week we will take a look at these comments and see if the criticisms hold water. To see the video, visit And be sure to subscribe to God Loves Mormons, as Bradley Campbell does a great job with these!

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Matthews and the First Vision Part 5

What does the First Vision reveal about the Father and the Son? This week we’re looking at an article written by Roberts Matthews in the December 2022 Liahona magazine for North American readers. Let’s see what he writes about the criticism of all other churches at the First Vision.

Matthews and the First Vision Part 4

What does the First Vision reveal about the Father and the Son? This week we’re looking at an article written by Roberts Matthews in the December 2022 Liahona magazine for North American readers. Let’s see what he writes about the criticism of all other churches at the First Vision.

Matthews and the First Vision Part 3

What does the First Vision reveal about the Father and the Son? This week we’re looking at an article written by Roberts Matthews in the December 2022 Liahona magazine for North American readers. Let’s see what he writes about the criticism of all other churches at the First Vision.

Matthews and the First Vision Part 2

What does the First Vision reveal about the Father and the Son? This week we’re looking at an article written by Roberts Matthews in the December 2022 Liahona magazine for North American readers. Let’s see what he writes about the criticism of all other churches at the First Vision.

Matthews and the First Vision Part 1

What does the First Vision reveal about the Father and the Son? This week we’re looking at an article written by Roberts Matthews in the December 2022 Liahona magazine for North American readers. Let’s see what he writes about the criticism of all other churches at the First Vision.

Perfection and Overcoming (Paul Johnson 10/22 GC talk) Part 5

Paul Johnson gave a talk at last year’s general conference titled “Be Perfected in Him.” Bill and Eric talk a closer look at this talk given in an official capacity.

To see the citations discussed on this show along with some additional ones, visit

A new Christian bookstore in Utah? Part 3

This week we will talk about the possibility of MRM beginning a new bookstore in the Salt Lake Valley…many ideas will be discussed in this 3-day series. To learn more about this idea, visit Sign up for the regular bookstore updates by contacting Eric ( and let’s see what doors the Lord will open up for a storefront ministry to happen.

A new Christian bookstore in Utah? Part 2

This week we will talk about the possibility of MRM beginning a new bookstore in the Salt Lake Valley…many ideas will be discussed in this 3-day series. To learn more about this idea, visit Sign up for the regular bookstore updates by contacting Eric ( and let’s see what doors the Lord will open up for a storefront ministry to happen.

A new Christian bookstore in Utah? Part 1

This week we will talk about the possibility of MRM beginning a new bookstore in the Salt Lake Valley…many ideas will be discussed in this 3-day series. To learn more about this idea, visit Sign up for the regular bookstore updates by contacting Eric ( and let’s see what doors the Lord will open up for a storefront ministry to happen.

Tad Callister and Christ’s Blueprint Part 15

A talk given at BYU by Seventy Tad Callister discusses how the LDS Church is not getting away from what is called the “Great Apostasy.” He shows that the LDS Church is the one church that is Christ’s church today and that all other churches fall short and do not have the same authority. A three-week classic series

Tad Callister and Christ’s Blueprint Part 14

A talk given at BYU by Seventy Tad Callister discusses how the LDS Church is not getting away from what is called the “Great Apostasy.” He shows that the LDS Church is the one church that is Christ’s church today and that all other churches fall short and do not have the same authority. A three-week classic series.

Tad Callister and Christ’s Blueprint Part 13

A talk given at BYU by Seventy Tad Callister discusses how the LDS Church is not getting away from what is called the “Great Apostasy.” He shows that the LDS Church is the one church that is Christ’s church today and that all other churches fall short and do not have the same authority. A three-week classic series.

Tad Callister and Christ’s Blueprint Part 12

A talk given at BYU by Seventy Tad Callister discusses how the LDS Church is not getting away from what is called the “Great Apostasy.” He shows that the LDS Church is the one church that is Christ’s church today and that all other churches fall short and do not have the same authority. A three-week classic series.

Tad Callister and Christ’s Blueprint Part 11

A talk given at BYU by Seventy Tad Callister discusses how the LDS Church is not getting away from what is called the “Great Apostasy.” He shows that the LDS Church is the one church that is Christ’s church today and that all other churches fall short and do not have the same authority. A three-week classic series.

Tad Callister and Christ’s Blueprint Part 10

A talk given at BYU by Seventy Tad Callister discusses how the LDS Church is not getting away from what is called the “Great Apostasy.” He shows that the LDS Church is the one church that is Christ’s church today and that all other churches fall short and do not have the same authority. A three-week classic series.

Tad Callister and Christ’s Blueprint Part 9

A talk given at BYU by Seventy Tad Callister discusses how the LDS Church is not getting away from what is called the “Great Apostasy.” He shows that the LDS Church is the one church that is Christ’s church today and that all other churches fall short and do not have the same authority. A three-week classic series.

Tad Callister and Christ’s Blueprint Part 8

A talk given at BYU by Seventy Tad Callister discusses how the LDS Church is not getting away from what is called the “Great Apostasy.” He shows that the LDS Church is the one church that is Christ’s church today and that all other churches fall short and do not have the same authority. A three-week classic series.

Tad Callister and Christ’s Blueprint Part 7

A talk given at BYU by Seventy Tad Callister discusses how the LDS Church is not getting away from what is called the “Great Apostasy.” He shows that the LDS Church is the one church that is Christ’s church today and that all other churches fall short and do not have the same authority. A three-week classic series.