Category Archives: Viewpoint on Mormonism

Matthews Recognizing the Spirit Part 5

How is a person able to recognize the Spirit of God? Evangelical Christians have a much different way of discovering the truth than Latter-day Saints. If the LDS version of God is not true, then the version of Jesus cannot be true, and neither can this Gospel be true. This series exemplifies this and shows how the Bible teaches our feelings should always to be considered suspect.

Vaping, Coffee and Tea Part 4

We go back to September 2019 to hear this repeat broadcast on the banned substances according to Mormonism based on the Word of Wisdom. Interesting, many Mormons who leave the church begin using these, perhaps as a reaction to the things they could not do while faithful members.

Vaping, Coffee and Tea Part 3

We go back to September 2019 to hear this repeat broadcast on the banned substances according to Mormonism based on the Word of Wisdom. Interesting, many Mormons who leave the church begin using these, perhaps as a reaction to the things they could not do while faithful members.

Vaping, Coffee and Tea Part 2

We go back to September 2019 to hear this repeat broadcast on the banned substances according to Mormonism based on the Word of Wisdom. Interesting, many Mormons who leave the church begin using these, perhaps as a reaction to the things they could not do while faithful members.

Vaping, Coffee and Tea Part 1

We go back to September 2019 to hear this repeat broadcast on the banned substances according to Mormonism based on the Word of Wisdom. Interesting, many Mormons who leave the church begin using these, perhaps as a reaction to the things they could not do while faithful members.

Satterfield’s Building An Eternal Marriage Part 5

We invite you to come to class with us to hear about Religion 235 at BYU Idaho and see what eternal marriage is all about in Mormonism. Brother Bruce Satterfield will be our professor this week as Bill and Eric take a closer look at just what this doctrine really teaches. A repeat series from 2014.

Satterfield’s Building An Eternal Marriage Part 4

We invite you to come to class with us to hear about Religion 235 at BYU Idaho and see what eternal marriage is all about in Mormonism. Brother Bruce Satterfield will be our professor this week as Bill and Eric take a closer look at just what this doctrine really teaches. A repeat series from 2014.

Satterfield’s Building An Eternal Marriage Part 3

We invite you to come to class with us to hear about Religion 235 at BYU Idaho and see what eternal marriage is all about in Mormonism. Brother Bruce Satterfield will be our professor this week as Bill and Eric take a closer look at just what this doctrine really teaches. A repeat series from 2014.

Satterfield’s Building An Eternal Marriage Part 2

We invite you to come to class with us to hear about Religion 235 at BYU Idaho and see what eternal marriage is all about in Mormonism. Brother Bruce Satterfield will be our professor this week as Bill and Eric take a closer look at just what this doctrine really teaches. A repeat series from 2014.

Satterfield’s Building an Eternal Marriage

We invite you to come to class with us to hear about Religion 235 at BYU Idaho and see what eternal marriage is all about in Mormonism. Brother Bruce Satterfield will be our professor this week as Bill and Eric take a closer look at just what this doctrine really teaches. A repeat series from 2014. To see the information we use on the shows, go to

10 Reasons We Cannot Fellowship with the LDS Church Part 10

Bill and Aaron continue this week by looking at reasons it is impossible for true Evangelical Christians to fellowship with the LDS Church. Too many pitfalls to water down the Gospel. This is the last of the two-week series.

10 Reasons We Cannot Fellowship with the LDS Church Part 9

Bill and Aaron continue this week by looking at reasons it is impossible for true Evangelical Christians to fellowship with the LDS Church. Too many pitfalls to water down the Gospel. This is the last of the two-week series.

10 Reasons We Cannot Fellowship with the LDS Church Part 8

Bill and Aaron continue this week by looking at reasons it is impossible for true Evangelical Christians to fellowship with the LDS Church. Too many pitfalls to water down the Gospel. This is the last of the two-week series.

10 Reasons We Cannot Fellowship with the LDS Church Part 7

Bill and Aaron continue this week by looking at reasons it is impossible for true Evangelical Christians to fellowship with the LDS Church. Too many pitfalls to water down the Gospel. This is the last of the two-week series.

10 Reasons We Cannot Fellowship with the LDS Church Part 6

Bill and Aaron continue this week by looking at reasons it is impossible for true Evangelical Christians to fellowship with the LDS Church. Too many pitfalls to water down the Gospel. This is the last of the two-week series.

10 Reasons We Cannot Fellowship with the LDS Church Part 5

Maybe you’ve wondered why Evangelical Christians are unable (some might just think “unwilling”) to fellowship with members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Could we give you 10 reasons why? This is a 2-week look at this important issue.

10 Reasons We Cannot Fellowship with the LDS Church Part 4

Maybe you’ve wondered why Evangelical Christians are unable (some might just think “unwilling”) to fellowship with members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Could we give you 10 reasons why? This is a 2-week look at this important issue.

10 Reasons We Cannot Fellowship with the LDS Church Part 3

Maybe you’ve wondered why Evangelical Christians are unable (some might just think “unwilling”) to fellowship with members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Could we give you 10 reasons why? This is a 2-week look at this important issue.

10 Reasons We Cannot Fellowship with the LDS Church Part 2

Maybe you’ve wondered why Evangelical Christians are unable (some might just think “unwilling”) to fellowship with members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Could we give you 10 reasons why? This is a 2-week look at this important issue.

10 Reasons We Cannot Fellowship with the LDS Church Part 1

Maybe you’ve wondered why Evangelical Christians are unable (some might just think “unwilling”) to fellowship with members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Could we give you 10 reasons why? This is a 2-week look at this important issue.