Category Archives: Viewpoint on Mormonism

Dead Sea Scrolls and Mormonism Part 4

Do the Dead Sea Scrolls support the case for the doctrines of Mormonism? Bill and Eric take a closer look and show why Latter-day Saints have not legitimate reason to point to this discovery of ancient scolls in Qumran as a reason to believe unique Mormon teachings are biblical.

For more information on this topic, visit

Dead Sea Scrolls and Mormonism Part 3

Do the Dead Sea Scrolls support the case for the doctrines of Mormonism? Bill and Eric take a closer look and show why Latter-day Saints have not legitimate reason to point to this discovery of ancient scolls in Qumran as a reason to believe unique Mormon teachings are biblical.

For more information on this topic, visit

Dead Sea Scrolls and Mormonism Part 2

Do the Dead Sea Scrolls support the case for the doctrines of Mormonism? Bill and Eric take a closer look and show why Latter-day Saints have not legitimate reason to point to this discovery of ancient scolls in Qumran as a reason to believe unique Mormon teachings are biblical.

For more information on this topic, visit

Dead Sea Scrolls and Mormonism Part 1

Do the Dead Sea Scrolls support the case for the doctrines of Mormonism? Bill and Eric take a closer look and show why Latter-day Saints have not legitimate reason to point to this discovery of ancient scolls in Qumran as a reason to believe unique Mormon teachings are biblical.

For more information on this topic, visit

Rebuttal of Daniel Peterson Gold Plates

Daniel Peterson is a former BYU professor who isn’t convinced by our arguments that the plates weighed closer to 200 pounds than they did 30 pounts. See what Eric and Bill have to say about Peterson’s arguments.

Gold Plates Rebuttal Part 4

In this repeat series, Bill and Eric answer some of the common arguments used to minimize the weight of the gold plaes (that’s what the Angel Moroni called them, gold) to make the story of Jospeh Smith carrying them for several miles through the woods more believable. Do the LDS arguments work? Check it out.

Gold Plates Rebuttal Part 3

In this repeat series, Bill and Eric answer some of the common arguments used to minimize the weight of the gold plaes (that’s what the Angel Moroni called them, gold) to make the story of Jospeh Smith carrying them for several miles through the woods more believable. Do the LDS arguments work? Check it out.

Gold Plates Rebuttal Part 2

In this repeat series, Bill and Eric answer some of the common arguments used to minimize the weight of the gold plaes (that’s what the Angel Moroni called them, gold) to make the story of Jospeh Smith carrying them for several miles through the woods more believable. Do the LDS arguments work? Check it out.

Gold Plates Rebuttal Part 1

In this repeat series, Bill and Eric answer some of the common arguments used to minimize the weight of the gold plaes (that’s what the Angel Moroni called them, gold) to make the story of Jospeh Smith carrying them for several miles through the woods more believable. Do the LDS arguments work? Check it out.

Mountain Meadows Massacre Part 5

With the anniversary of the Mountain Meadows Massacre, let’s spend a week talking about teh church’s spin on it in their history book…and how it corresponds to the objective facts. Bill and Eric discuss in a previously aired series.