Monthly Archives: March 2022

Fair Rebuttal Impossible Gospel Part 4

The LDS apologetic website FAIR critiques the “Impossible Gospel” approach. Is their criticism warranted? Or is it nothing but smoke? Bill and Eric tackle this article this week

Fair Rebuttal Impossible Gospel Part 3

The LDS apologetic website FAIR critiques the “Impossible Gospel” approach. Is their criticism warranted? Or is it nothing but smoke? Bill and Eric tackle this article this week

Fair Rebuttal Impossible Gospel Part 2

The LDS apologetic website FAIR critiques the “Impossible Gospel” approach. Is their criticism warranted? Or is it nothing but smoke? Bill and Eric tackle this article this week.

Fair Rebuttal Impossible Gospel Part 1

The LDS apologetic website FAIR critiques the “Impossible Gospel” approach. Is their criticism warranted? Or is it nothing but smoke? Bill and Eric tackle this article this week.

Eldred Smith Exaltation Part 5

Church patriarch Eldred G. Smith gave an address to BYU students on March 10, 1964 on the topic of exaltation. It was given to a friendly audience and provides the honest belief about Mormonism’s teaching on this issue with nothing veiled. Bill and Eric take a closer look at this important topic.

Eldred Smith Exaltation Part 4

Church patriarch Eldred G. Smith gave an address to BYU students on March 10, 1964 on the topic of exaltation. It was given to a friendly audience and provides the honest belief about Mormonism’s teaching on this issue with nothing veiled. Bill and Eric take a closer look at this important topic.

Eldred Smith Exaltation Part 3

Church patriarch Eldred G. Smith gave an address to BYU students on March 10, 1964 on the topic of exaltation. It was given to a friendly audience and provides the honest belief about Mormonism’s teaching on this issue with nothing veiled. Bill and Eric take a closer look at this important topic.

Eldred Smith Exaltation Part 2

Church patriarch Eldred G. Smith gave an address to BYU students on March 10, 1964 on the topic of exaltation. It was given to a friendly audience and provides the honest belief about Mormonism’s teaching on this issue with nothing veiled. Bill and Eric take a closer look at this important topic.

Eldred Smith Exaltation Part 1

Church patriarch Eldred G. Smith gave an address to BYU students on March 10, 1964 on the topic of exaltation. It was given to a friendly audience and provides the honest belief about Mormonism’s teaching on this issue with nothing veiled. Bill and Eric take a closer look at this important topic.

Is the LDS Church Losing its Identity? Part 5

Salt Lake Tribune religion editor Peggy Fletcher Stack recently wrote an article about the LDS Church losing “its identity.” by making significant changes and coming closer to Christianity. Is this true? Bill and Eric take a closer look at this topic.

Is the LDS Church Losing its Identity? Part 4

Salt Lake Tribune religion editor Peggy Fletcher Stack recently wrote an article about the LDS Church losing “its identity.” by making significant changes and coming closer to Christianity. Is this true? Bill and Eric take a closer look at this topic.

Is the LDS Church Losing its Identity? Part 3

Salt Lake Tribune religion editor Peggy Fletcher Stack recently wrote an article about the LDS Church losing “its identity.” by making significant changes and coming closer to Christianity. Is this true? Bill and Eric take a closer look at this topic.

Is the LDS Church Losing its Identity? Part 2

Salt Lake Tribune religion editor Peggy Fletcher Stack recently wrote an article about the LDS Church losing “its identity.” by making significant changes and coming closer to Christianity. Is this true? Bill and Eric take a closer look at this topic.

Is the LDS Church losing its identity? Part 1

Salt Lake Tribune religion editor Peggy Fletcher Stack recently wrote an article about the LDS Church losing “its identity.” by making significant changes and coming closer to Christianity. Is this true? Bill and Eric take a closer look at this topic.

Practicing Perfection (Johnson) Part 5

Camille N. Johnson wrote an article in the February 2022 Liahona magazine titled Practicing Perfection. So are Mormons supposed to achieve perfection in this life, or not? Johnson tries to explain, but her article is critiqued this week by Bill and Eric who point to what the LDS scriptures say as well as other leaders.

Practicing Perfection (Johnson) Part 4

Camille N. Johnson wrote an article in the February 2022 Liahona magazine titled Practicing Perfection. So are Mormons supposed to achieve perfection in this life, or not? Johnson tries to explain, but her article is critiqued this week by Bill and Eric who point to what the LDS scriptures say as well as other leaders.

Practicing Perfection (Johnson) Part 3

Camille N. Johnson wrote an article in the February 2022 Liahona magazine titled Practicing Perfection. So are Mormons supposed to achieve perfection in this life, or not? Johnson tries to explain, but her article is critiqued this week by Bill and Eric who point to what the LDS scriptures say as well as other leaders.

Practicing Perfection (Johnson) Part 2

Camille N. Johnson wrote an article in the February 2022 Liahona magazine titled Practicing Perfection. So are Mormons supposed to achieve perfection in this life, or not? Johnson tries to explain, but her article is critiqued this week by Bill and Eric who point to what the LDS scriptures say as well as other leaders.

Practicing Perfection Part 1

Camille N. Johnson wrote an article in the February 2022 Liahona magazine titled Practicing Perfection. So are Mormons supposed to achieve perfection in this life, or not? Johnson tries to explain, but her article is critiqued this week by Bill and Eric who point to what the LDS scriptures say as well as other leaders.

A Most Remarkable Book–Book of Abraham Part 5

BYU professor Andrew Skinner’s 1997 Ensign article on the Book of Abraham was reprinted in the December 2021 Liahona magazine. You will be amazed at what he is still maintaining, despite so much evidence that has come out in the last 25 years concerning this book of scripture. Bill and Eric spend all week with this.

A Most Remarkable Book–Book of Abraham Part 4

BYU professor Andrew Skinner’s 1997 Ensign article on the Book of Abraham was reprinted in the December 2021 Liahona magazine. You will be amazed at what he is still maintaining, despite so much evidence that has come out in the last 25 years concerning this book of scripture. Bill and Eric spend all week with this.

A Most Remarkable Book–Book of Abraham Part 3

BYU professor Andrew Skinner’s 1997 Ensign article on the Book of Abraham was reprinted in the December 2021 Liahona magazine. You will be amazed at what he is still maintaining, despite so much evidence that has come out in the last 25 years concerning this book of scripture. Bill and Eric spend all week with this.

A Most Remarkable Book–Book of Abraham Part 2

BYU professor Andrew Skinner’s 1997 Ensign article on the Book of Abraham was reprinted in the December 2021 Liahona magazine. You will be amazed at what he is still maintaining, despite so much evidence that has come out in the last 25 years concerning this book of scripture. Bill and Eric spend all week with this.